Electronic Device BusinessDevices Built Directly into Products
We manufacture and sell electronic components that use semiconductor ceramics whose resistance changes with heat.
Its electronic components support people’s lives as key devices in products.
We provide you with high reliability through the development of ceramic technology and electrode technology that have been accumulated for years and thermistor elements that have been improved over and over.
Household and housing
Industrial equipment
Optical communication
*Industrial fields are identified by icon
NBC Thermistors
Bare chip thermistor with long-term
reliability and no aging degradation
NSS Thermistors
Surface-mounting type chip
thermistor with high precision usable
at high temperatures
[Operating temperature range]
NSM Thermistors
Surface-mounting type chip
thermistor with high precision usable
at high temperatures
[Operating temperature range]
NGR Thermistors
Surface-mounting type chip
thermistor with high precision usable
at high temperatures
[Operating temperature range]
NDH Thermistors
Surface-mounting type chip
thermistor with high precision usable
at high temperatures
[Operating temperature range]
NRC Thermistors
Surface-mounting type chip
thermistor with high precision usable
at high temperatures
[Operating temperature range]
Thermistor assembles
We can deal with custom-made products widely to meet new needs with thermistors and thermistor temperature sensors centered.
Household and housing
Industrial equipment
Optical communication
*Industrial fields are identified by icon
Motor temperature sensor
Teflon seal for high temperature
[Operating temperature range]
Rechargeable battery
temperature sensor
Surface temperature high-precision
measuring type
[Operating temperature range]
Temperature detection
sensor for surface temperature
Standard type
[Operating temperature range]
Coolant temperature sensor
Coolant temperature sensor
[Operating temperature range]
Fuel temperature sensor
[Operating temperature range]
Evaporater temperature sensor
Epoxy coat type
[Operating temperature range]
Evaporater temperature sensor
Bracket type
[Operating temperature range]
Evaporater temperature sensor
Fin type
[Operating temperature range]
Radiator temperature sensor
[Operating temperature range]
For air conditioners,
coating type
[Operating temperature range]
For air conditioners, CAN type
[Operating temperature range]
For air conditioners,
contained in connectors
[Operating temperature range]
For refrigerators
[Operating temperature range]
Hot water supplies
(with-leads type)
[Operating temperature range]
MNR Varistors
OS. MNR varistor (Metal Oxide Non-Linear Resistor) is the ceramic semi-conductor, made from zinc oxide and several kind of additives under the controlled process. Compared with conventional type varistors, MNR is superior on its sharp nonlinearlity and high surge endurance. To protect the electronic equipment from lightening surge and overloading voltage, MNR shows its superior characteristics.
Household and housing
Industrial equipment
Optical communication
*Industrial fields are identified by icon
ZR series
(Low voltage general purpose type)
The general-purpose disc type ZR series is best suited as an element to protect electronic equipment, control equipment, and general electronic devices from a surge and a noise as a varistor for low pressure.
NS series
(Mid and high pressure purpose type)
This series is excellent in voltage nonlinearity, surge resistance, and responsiveness to a surge, and also has a characteristic of low clamping voltage. Therefore, this varistor can be used in a wide range of applications, including as measures against a surge for various types of electronic equipment, a device of absorbing a switching surge caused by an inductive load, and a device protecting from abnormal voltage.